Cancelled: The End of Humanity

After the Long Earths and the Discworld scholars, I'm throwing the next Baxter into the recycling bin as if I'd been stung by a tarantula. I feel uncomfortable in this child-friendly 2-5 word sentence language.

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when tabloid formats shaped my attention span. But even men develop further, isn't it so? 

I am also embarrassed to note that this is a sequel to the nonsense War of the Worlds, which certainly made a lot of sense given the level of knowledge at the time. But despite all the cognitive tricks, it is no longer really up to date to assume an invasion from Mars, not even in fantasy(!), or to continue it in an even more absurd way.

It's as if we were talking about it in a few years' time, Trump would have been a human being and his activities would have been lovingly prepared humanism for the silent majority. 
